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Dabar rodoma: Butanas - Pašto Ženklai (1955 - 2025) - 3262 ženklai.

1970 Airmail - Floral Paintings

6. gegužė WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Airmail - Floral Paintings, tipas ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
351 LW1 1.60Nu 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
352 LX1 1.70Nu 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
353 LY1 3Nu 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
354 LZ1 3.50Nu 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
351‑354 3,14 - 3,14 - USD 
351‑354 2,62 - 2,62 - USD 
1970 Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged

18. birželis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 13¼ or 13½

[Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas BU3] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas BV3] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas BW3] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas CJ4] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas CK4] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas CL4] [Stamps of 1966-1967 Surcharged, tipas CM4]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
355 BU3 20/3Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
356 BV3 20/4Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
357 BW3 20/5Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
358 CJ4 20/3Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
359 CK4 20/5Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
360 CL4 20/6Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
361 CM4 20/7Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
355‑361 24,08 - 24,08 - USD 
1970 Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged

18. birželis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 13½

[Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas DU2] [Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas DZ1] [Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas EJ2] [Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas FP2] [Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas GH3] [Stamps of 1967-1968 Surcharged, tipas IJ3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
362 DU2 20/4Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
363 DZ1 20/5Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
364 EJ2 20/4Ch/Nu 15,72 - 15,72 - USD  Info
365 FP2 20/4Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
366 GH3 20/2Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
367 IJ3 20/2Ch/Nu 2,62 - 2,62 - USD  Info
362‑367 30,90 - 30,90 - USD 
1970 Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged

18. birželis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½

[Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas GG3] [Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas GH4] [Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas IG3] [Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas IH3] [Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas II3] [Airmail - Stamps 1968-1969 Surcharged, tipas IJ4]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
368 GG3 20/5Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
369 GH4 20/10Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
370 IG3 20/2.50Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
371 IH3 20/4Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
372 II3 20/5Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
373 IJ4 20/10Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
368‑373 20,94 - 20,94 - USD 
1970 Animals

17. rugsėjis WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Animals, tipas ND] [Animals, tipas NE] [Animals, tipas NF] [Animals, tipas NG] [Animals, tipas NH] [Animals, tipas NI] [Animals, tipas NJ] [Animals, tipas NK] [Animals, tipas NL]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
374 ND 5Ch 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
375 NE 10Ch 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
376 NF 20Ch 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
377 NG 25Ch 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
378 NH 30Ch 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
379 NI 40Ch 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
380 NJ 65Ch 2,10 - 2,10 - USD  Info
381 NK 75Ch 2,10 - 2,10 - USD  Info
382 NL 85Ch 2,10 - 2,10 - USD  Info
374‑382 13,12 - 13,12 - USD 
1970 Airmail - Animals

17. rugsėjis WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Airmail - Animals, tipas NM] [Airmail - Animals, tipas NN] [Airmail - Animals, tipas NO] [Airmail - Animals, tipas NP]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
383 NM 2Nu 2,62 - 2,62 - USD  Info
384 NN 3Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
385 NO 4Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
386 NP 5Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
383‑386 13,09 - 13,09 - USD 
1970 Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged

2. lapkritis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½-13½

[Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas GE3] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas GF3] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas GG4] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas GH5] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas L1] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas BS3] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas BT3] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas CM5] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas CI3] [Stamps of 1963-1968 Surcharged, tipas EI2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
387 GE3 5/30Ch 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
388 GF3 5/50Ch 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
389 GG4 5/1.25Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
390 GH5 5/2Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
391 L1 20/1.50Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
392 BS3 20/1.50Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
393 BT3 20/2Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
394 CM5 20/1.25Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
395 CI3 20/2.50Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
396 EI2 20/1.25Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
387‑396 31,40 - 31,40 - USD 
1970 Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged

2. lapkritis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½-13½

[Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas EO1] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas EP1] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas FO2] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas FR2] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas IG4] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas IH4] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas II4] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas JI8] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas JI9] [Stamps of 1967-1969 Surcharged, tipas JI10]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
397 EO1 20/2Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
398 EP1 20/4Ch/Nu 3,14 - 3,14 - USD  Info
399 FO2 20/2Ch/Nu 5,24 - 5,24 - USD  Info
400 FR2 20/7Ch/Nu 5,24 - 5,24 - USD  Info
401 IG4 20/30Ch 5,24 - 5,24 - USD  Info
402 IH4 20/50Ch 5,24 - 5,24 - USD  Info
403 II4 20/1.25Ch/Nu 5,24 - 5,24 - USD  Info
404 JI8 20/1.05Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
405 JI9 20/1.40Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
406 JI10 20/4Ch/Nu 4,19 - 4,19 - USD  Info
397‑406 45,05 - 45,05 - USD 


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